Wednesday 18 July 2012

Mr.Biker Boy

Matt was 4 when we got him his first bike. It was a present for his birthday.

Matt was in love the moment he first laid eyes on his new bike. He's had a little red bike with stabilisers (those thing that keeps the balance?). It was pretty fancy. I was so exicited and wanted him  to ride it. Well John was checking if he could ride without help. Turn out that he needed some help (grin). John taught him  how to ride that  bike and thankfully he had lots of patience!

I remember looking through the eyes of an excited little boy; remember the huge grin on his face when he saw it for the first time. It was a happy moment for the family. I find myself continuously yelling out reminders. Things like "watch where you're going!", and "pedal with your feet", and "look where you're going", and "turn", and "look up!", and "brake, brake, BRAKE!!!” Not to mention you have to chase little Matthew. Mr. Biker Boy was unstoppable.

Oh Matt’s all grown up now, yet that little red bike never fails to put a smile on his face whenever he sees it quietly parked on its own space in the garage.

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