Friday 20 July 2012

College bound...

At breakfast, my daughter, candidly reminded me about college orientation. Her College Orientation. Geez, it still felt like days after her graduation now we are talking about college.:-)

Oh yes! Louise is about to embark on the next leg of the journey called “life.” For all of us, this leg is bittersweet:  Sweet, because as she goes off to college, exciting new worlds will open up for her which will inspire and will help her grow in incredible ways.

It’ll be sad as well because we will miss her. It’s undeniably clear that she’s no longer a little girl who lived in a protective bubble of family and community, as safe as possible under the watchful eyes of mom and dad.

But before I get mushy and all that. I should prepare a list. It’s like my own little project plan for the college move.

  • ·         What needs to be purchased?
  • ·         What needs to be packed?
  • ·    What communication is due to the college, dorm or housing complex   where she will  be staying?
  • ·   What do I need to write down now so you can avoid the last minute scramble.

Oh well , I guess this weekend would be the best time to sit with her and create our “College Packing List”.Better be prepared for the Big Move..:-)


  1. I love lists and any excuse to organise a new one....happy planning xx

    1. that's nice...well i'm gonna be needing lots of help :-) wish me luck...
