Monday 23 July 2012

Family Bonding...

I love weekends. 

It’s spending time with my family. Weekends are reserved for our family and we try out a chuckle and exciting bonding activities. Our weekdays are full of many important things to do and even during weekends, we even still got some things to do.

This  world is in hyper-speed, and we all need to slow down and work on our bonding, even if only for 5 minutes. From the simplest of things, like lending a helping hand, to an all out weekend adventure, and anything in between, like playing kids games, or any other activities.

In our case , these are some of the things we do….

Ours is a family that's eager for some adventure, sometimes we try things as simple as biking. We’ve been to a lot of trips together , camping and some sort of adventures.

Funny and weird as it can certainly seem but shopping is additionally a good way to bond. I believe it’s  also a de-stressing activity and helps me  learn more of children are into these days. You will also get to know the most recent fad on the market so as you don't feel left out in the trends market.

And most of the times we just stay home and spend more time with each other. Either we cook , or have  DVD marathon inside our living room.

It doesn’t really matter how we spend it.

Family bonding needs not to be something out of the ordinary. 

What's important it's time you spend with them.

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