Friday 13 July 2012

A Breakfast Treat!

Breakfast is the most fun meal for my family. There’s many things to make from muffins and sweet rolls to porridge and eggs, the possibilities are endless. But there’s one that they love best…PANCAKES!

I got this simple recipe from my mom. It’s very simple but I remember looking forward every Wednesday because it’s PANCAKE day! Something to look forward to in the middle of a school week.

Oh so much with that,  here’s some simple tips in making pancakes.

First separate the eggs, putting the whites into one bowl and the yolks into another. Add the flour, baking powder and milk to the yolks and mix to a smooth thick batter. Whisk the whites with the salt until they form stiff peaks. Fold into the batter – it is now ready to use.

Heat a good non-stick pan on a medium heat. Pour some of your batter into the pan and fry for a couple of minutes until it starts to look golden and firm. 

Continue frying until both sides are golden.

You can make these pancakes large or small, to your liking. You can serve them simply doused in maple syrup and even with some butter.

Easy right?:-) 

Now these are the fluffiest, loveliest pancakes ever (well , that's what my family thinks! haha). They ask me for them all the time and I get big momma points whenever I make them. It is such a great feeling to cook “real” breakfast for the family. The recipe is easy to  remember and what’s brilliant about it is that it works like a charm every single time.

This goes especially for my son who feels his day is complete having pancakes for breakfast.

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