Wednesday 11 July 2012

Best Bear Forever

Best Bear Forever

I couldn't help but take a quick picture today of this cute sight from my daughter’s room:

Everyone, meet Cooper.

Cooper is Louise’s BBF (best bear forever.) If this bear could talk he could share a lot of stories.  When she was younger, Louise used to think that Cooper follows her around everywhere.  He's gone on a gazillion trips with her and the family. Like any best buds, Louise and Cooper have been through thick and thin together.  And of course, you might expect they have been through countless childhood illnesses, tantrums and a lot of those childhood moments.  Through it all, they made it; Louise through life's growing pains and Copper through many wash cycles.

And looks like they are off on another adventure together. In a few months time, Louise will be leaving for college. And guess what? Coopers coming with her!

It sure makes this mom's heart happy knowing my baby won't be alone at college.  If I can't go with her, I'm glad Cooper can.   Glad to know she's not flying solo.

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