Monday 16 July 2012

Busy Weekends Are Fun!

Yes! Had a very busy yet productive weekend. It was  exhausting in a good way, and it automatically makes them fun.  Well usually ,   weekends for me  involves either being blissfully lazy or being in a short trip , visiting relatives or just having fun with the family , I have to admit that productive weekends are pretty awesome as well!

Louise spent the whole Saturday helping a friend with her little handicraft business. So I got a little help from my husband and my son Matt....

Now when I say it was a busy and productive weekend ,  I don't mean spending  the entire weekend working on the same chores (I am slowly getting much better with this.)  I mean fitting a whole lot of stuff that normally gets ignored (for example, a long overdue/major house cleaning and de-cluttering) into those two days.  That kind of sums up the weekend I just had. 

And here is what happened this weekend, in our little world... 

 John made breakfast. Awesome isn’t  it?

1.       I spent 2 hours organizing my train wreck of a closet.It’s quite embarrassing to see the pile of clothes that we have and a large portion of it has to go to the  laundry baskets (haha).

I then organized it by type of garment and season. Some by colors ( I'll make a totally different blog about that..) 

And several more hours organizing books and stuff. You see my family loves to read. So we have lots of books...some are actually very old. So I neatly put them on the shelves , and some I have to put in a box and place it somewhere. Just can't let go of most of them because of sentimental reasons..:-)

And then we have to deal with this! Yeah that is my son's old bike...and that's our garage. We haven't really been doing well in cleaning so we decided that it was the best time to do do!What a Saturday for me , John and Matt!

After spending more hours wrestling with a lot of was time for break and check how we did.
And I can absolutely say...we did a great job!:-)

We finally (almost) finished cleaning.  I know there's still a lot to do but we did great!.  And I was pretty excited to find lots of little gem which I promise to share with you on my upcoming blogs.
It was a very tiring yet we had smile on our faces. 
We took a break to enjoy the  weather  on our back porch waiting for dinner to be served.

here's dinner served with love by my daughter Louise

What a day eh?:-)

No more cleaning on Sunday. We  drove out to attend church and spent most of the time  just doing almost nothing at home.

To sum it was a FUN weekend!:-)

How was your weekend?

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