Friday 5 October 2012


"The sweet calm sunshine of October, now
Warms the low spot; upon its grassy mold
The purple oak-leaf falls; the birchen bough
drops its bright spoil like arrow-heads of gold."

-   William Cullen Bryant

October is my favorite month.

The air has a crisp feeling.
The smell of baked apple pies, mums, roasted nuts, toasted marshmallows outside and baking pumpkin seeds.

It seems like everything smells wonderful.

This is the time of year, that I enjoy making homemade stews, having our annual bon fire, hay rides, raking the fallen leaves, making my crafts, decorating our home for Halloween, snuggling up with my kids and watching movies with apple cider and popcorn.

We used to take the kids to pick out the biggest pumpkins from our local pumpkin patch.  We place them on our front steps, and then we carve them for Halloween and bake the seeds.

October reminds us that Christmas is near!

It’s also my birthday Month.

And this year my only wish is to be able to spend it with my family and friends. So happy that my daughter could join us…J

Happy times!

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