Wednesday 10 October 2012

Another busy day

The word errand is most commonly used in the sense of a short journey taken to perform some necessary duty. Some examples of errands are: taking or fetching clothes from the cleaners; taking mail to the post office; filling the car with fuel, taking sacks of leaves to the compost center, etc.

A chore can be simply a necessary domestic task such as vacuuming or taking out the garbage, or it can be used in the sense of a really tiresome, time-consuming task.

So why am I pointing this out??

Yesterday I have been a very busy Mom, running errands and doing chores around the house.

What do you do when you day is full from top to bottom and you want to accomplish it ALL in a day?  “Heaven help me,” is what I typically say.

Yesterday was one of those days where I could use more hours to get rid of “today’s to do list” so that the next day’s  agenda is lighter. 

and I did them all...I'm a super mom...a super tired mom…

After  hanging out with my dear husband John and my sweet son Matti ( our after – dinner – bond)  , I headed for bed pretty early, and I wasn't able to read  few chapters in my book (that tired!).

It wasn't really a bad day…it was very productive. But it was a very tiring one.

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