Friday 31 August 2012

seems like yesterday

It seems like yesterday I was rocking my babies in my arms. 

It seems like yesterday I was watching my toddlers take their first steps. 

It seems like yesterday my kids started kindergarden. 

It seems like yesterday…

Now Louise is 18 and Matty is 14.

Here goes the sentimental me again…J

To keep myself busy I tried to do some home organizing this week and worked on some of Matty’s stuff.

My son is really careful with his things. I wasn’t surprised to see toys from his childhood.

Anyway , I found some of his favorite toys.

He loved Legos from the day he could snap two of them together.

I could still remember a five year old Matty announcing that “He was born to build Legos”

The other part  of his brain was formerly devoted to cars and coloring books , puzzles, kicking ball and UFOs.

I caught myself smiling when  a funny memory from my son’s childhood just pops back into my mind, and I can’t help but laugh. 

I love it when that happens, because those glimpses of the child he was are good for my soul.

I could remember more of his antics. He’s always had an amazing sense of humor.

He is a teenager now and a very bright kid.

While Louise is working on becoming  a Chef...Matty said he wants to be an Engineer...not bad eh?:-)

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