Friday 24 August 2012

Home Improvement

In times like this , I really need to be busy.

Yep. Home alone during the days…the usual stuff…school for Matty…work for John…

So yesterday , I decided to do some cleaning , arranging and organizing…

Here’s some tips on Home Organisation…

Home Improvement 101 with me J

Getting your house organized will go a long way to maximizing efficiency.

There is no single right way to do it: 

The trick lies in finding the way that works best for you. For the kitchen, a few basic organizing concepts can get you started.

Start With the Kitchen

Store things where you use them. Pots and pans are best kept near the range or cooktop; mixing bowls near the countertop you use for food preparation; plates, glasses, and flatware near the dishwasher.
Frequently used small appliances, such as a toaster and coffeemaker, should be stored on the counter; ones seldom needed on a lower cabinet. Install a drawer onto a deep lower shelf for appliances used occasionally, such as a rice cooker and blender.
Store your most frequently used items in the most accessible places. Keep things you use most often at eye level; store heavy items below waist level; and infrequently-used items on high shelves or in another area of the house.
Take an inventory of all utensils, cookware, and dishware and get rid of unnecessary duplicates, items damaged beyond repair, or things no longer used
Store cups and saucers the same way they are used: saucer, cup, saucer, cup. They not only look better but also can be safely stacked higher, and when you pull out a cup and saucer, they are ready for use.

Organize Your Bathroom

The same principles that work in the kitchen apply to the bathroom, too. Group like things together, such as all cosmetics, in a plastic bin or washable bag, all skin-care products on the same medicine-cabinet shelf, all shampoos in one spot under the sink.
Smaller items like hair accessories, bottles of nail polish, brushes, and combs will all be easily accessible in plastic bins with neat, easy-to-read labels.

Keep Closets Organized

An organized clothes closet can 
simplify busy mornings and make every day just a little bit better. Two or even three short rods installed one above the other, rather than one high one, will maximize hanging space for short items like shirts, skirts, and folded trousers. Reserve another area for longer items such as coats and dresses.

Install shelves or cubbies at the base of a closet and you'll never have to rifle through items strewn across the floor.

To keep your closets functioning optimally, re-examine them every six months. If the types of items you're storing have changed, rearrange the shelves, rods, and bins.

To be continued.... :-)

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