Friday 10 August 2012

My Future Chef

Future Chef: Marie Louise Whyte

It is always interesting to hear what your children want to be when they grow up and how their ideas change over time, but Louise has had her future career lined up for a few years .

She wants to be a Chef.

She loves the idea of having her own business like a pastry shop, crafty café or a restaurant.

I know she was serious, when she started to plan where to do her training.  It didn’t came as a surprise when she asked if she could study in France.

I remember hearing her say that on one of our trips.

She loves Paris , the food , everything about it!

Louise loves to cook. Her dad calls her the kitchen ninja. His kitchen ninja. As a child , she would help me bake or cook…she loves the kitchen.  Growing up she has shown interests on checking some recipes , trying them out , watch this cooking shows on TV and yes…my daughter could definitely cook!

Here are some of my favorite : 

love the spaghetti with meatballs...

 croque madame

special breakfasts

and the muffins!

I always believe that it is so much better to do something that you love rather than just taking an easy option.

So , to France it is!

We will surely miss our Kitchen Ninja…our future Chef is all set to fulfilling her dreams!:-)