Friday 31 August 2012

seems like yesterday

It seems like yesterday I was rocking my babies in my arms. 

It seems like yesterday I was watching my toddlers take their first steps. 

It seems like yesterday my kids started kindergarden. 

It seems like yesterday…

Now Louise is 18 and Matty is 14.

Here goes the sentimental me again…J

To keep myself busy I tried to do some home organizing this week and worked on some of Matty’s stuff.

My son is really careful with his things. I wasn’t surprised to see toys from his childhood.

Anyway , I found some of his favorite toys.

He loved Legos from the day he could snap two of them together.

I could still remember a five year old Matty announcing that “He was born to build Legos”

The other part  of his brain was formerly devoted to cars and coloring books , puzzles, kicking ball and UFOs.

I caught myself smiling when  a funny memory from my son’s childhood just pops back into my mind, and I can’t help but laugh. 

I love it when that happens, because those glimpses of the child he was are good for my soul.

I could remember more of his antics. He’s always had an amazing sense of humor.

He is a teenager now and a very bright kid.

While Louise is working on becoming  a Chef...Matty said he wants to be an Engineer...not bad eh?:-)

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Home Improvement 2

Washing Windows

Washing windows is an important part of keeping your home looking clean and presentable both inside and out. From time to time, you need to clean off fingerprints, dirt, residue from rain and snow, and general smudges that seem to find their way onto your windows.

Crumple Paper Towels

Take a disposable paper towel and crumple it up into a loose ball. Use the crumpled towel along with your window cleaner to scrub the dirt and grime off your windows. Once the scrubbing work is done, open and recrumple the paper towel to clean off any excess dirt and window cleaner with the clean side of the towel that may have been left behind. Using crumpled paper towels works best with small glass panes in doors or smaller windows in your walls.

Plan Around Sunlight

Clean your windows at a time of day when the sunlight doesn't shine directly on the panes of glass. The sunlight heats up the glass and causes the window cleaner to dry more quickly onto the glass, increasing your chances of ending up with streaks on your windows.

Use a Sponge

Do the first part of your cleaning with a regular dish sponge. Wet the window with the sponge and use it to scrub off any smudges, smears or dirt spots on the window.

Dishwasher Soap Solution

Lots of dishwasher detergents advertise their ability to get dirt, grime and streaks out of all your dishes.

Friday 24 August 2012

Home Improvement

In times like this , I really need to be busy.

Yep. Home alone during the days…the usual stuff…school for Matty…work for John…

So yesterday , I decided to do some cleaning , arranging and organizing…

Here’s some tips on Home Organisation…

Home Improvement 101 with me J

Getting your house organized will go a long way to maximizing efficiency.

There is no single right way to do it: 

The trick lies in finding the way that works best for you. For the kitchen, a few basic organizing concepts can get you started.

Start With the Kitchen

Store things where you use them. Pots and pans are best kept near the range or cooktop; mixing bowls near the countertop you use for food preparation; plates, glasses, and flatware near the dishwasher.
Frequently used small appliances, such as a toaster and coffeemaker, should be stored on the counter; ones seldom needed on a lower cabinet. Install a drawer onto a deep lower shelf for appliances used occasionally, such as a rice cooker and blender.
Store your most frequently used items in the most accessible places. Keep things you use most often at eye level; store heavy items below waist level; and infrequently-used items on high shelves or in another area of the house.
Take an inventory of all utensils, cookware, and dishware and get rid of unnecessary duplicates, items damaged beyond repair, or things no longer used
Store cups and saucers the same way they are used: saucer, cup, saucer, cup. They not only look better but also can be safely stacked higher, and when you pull out a cup and saucer, they are ready for use.

Organize Your Bathroom

The same principles that work in the kitchen apply to the bathroom, too. Group like things together, such as all cosmetics, in a plastic bin or washable bag, all skin-care products on the same medicine-cabinet shelf, all shampoos in one spot under the sink.
Smaller items like hair accessories, bottles of nail polish, brushes, and combs will all be easily accessible in plastic bins with neat, easy-to-read labels.

Keep Closets Organized

An organized clothes closet can 
simplify busy mornings and make every day just a little bit better. Two or even three short rods installed one above the other, rather than one high one, will maximize hanging space for short items like shirts, skirts, and folded trousers. Reserve another area for longer items such as coats and dresses.

Install shelves or cubbies at the base of a closet and you'll never have to rifle through items strewn across the floor.

To keep your closets functioning optimally, re-examine them every six months. If the types of items you're storing have changed, rearrange the shelves, rods, and bins.

To be continued.... :-)

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Empty Nest...

Moving my daughter to Paris last weekend.

So excited for her.

Time for my little birdie to leave the nest and try out her wings.

We really kinda said "goodbye" to a phase in my daughter's life .

Louise has spent some time away from home. Like during camps…or vacations. But this is going to be different. She’s in another country and will only be spending the holidays with us or vacation in the next 3 to 4 years.

Okay, here I am crying again. I am literally going to have to stop writing this blog. I am seriously embarrassing myself.

For those of you who have done this, you know how hard it is. For those of you who haven't, there's probably no way to explain it.

I think all the social media available makes it easier for parents today to see their children off to college. I'm sure I'll miss her but I know that we can text and call each other. 

Thank God!

Friday 17 August 2012

All set!

All our bags are packed we are ready to go!

As you all know , Louise , my daughter is bound for Paris to study so we are going with her…stay for the weekend and just help her get settled in.

I am very glad that we were able to get the services of Trek Removals so most of her stuffed were shipped earlier so we will all meet them there…J

Hassle free and stress free…

Can’t write much now…but I’ll write about it next week. 

Happy weekend!

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Stress Free!

All set to France!:-)

Once upon a time, I thought I was a master packer.

Several days before my daughter had to get on that plane to France, I thought differently.

My daughter’s bedroom looked like the aftermath of a tornado. The contents of her closet and drawers were in assorted piles on her bed and floor. In the middle of this mess were two empty suite cases.

"How is all this going to fit in there?"

Packing for college is a daunting task.

We made a list and organized the items needed, and then the process of packing is not so difficult.

Thanks to a dear lady who gave us suggestions and tips on how to do it likewise introduced us to a removal company that would help us with the college move…to FRANCE!

Now let me introduce you to the nitty-gritty of packing.

Make a List

Sort the items into basics and luxuries. This will help you pack the essential items first, and later purchase other items of your choice. Making a list will help you stay organized and keep on track of your purchases.

Budget Your Time 
( This is very important…!Believe me you don’t want to panic!)

Don’t leave packing to the last minute. Not only will leaving the packing to a few weeks before school stress you and your teen out, it will make your child even more nervous if they are not prepared. Whether your child is living in another state or just a few minutes from home, you don’t want to spend your last weeks with them running around in a frenzy trying to pack.

Cutting Costs

An important part of packing for college is minimizing expenses. Many items that you might buy can be found at home. Older siblings or cousins may have items that your child can use. Remember to take into consideration items that are less expensive for your child to buy once he/she is at school rather than purchasing unnecessary items beforehand such as food or school supplies (notebooks, pens, pencils, etc.)

Hire a Mover and Ship your stuff

If you live far away from your school, this is much easier than packing half a dozen suitcases.  Your things are waiting for you when you arrive on campus.

In our case, we have gotten the services of Trek Removals ( What a relief. I checked their website and found out that they can help us move my daughter’s stuff to France! Sweet! It was cool because they have purpose-made packaging and have a range of boxes, cartons and protective packaging, suitable for a range of items.

So we are all set. We soon shall spend couple of days in France just to help Louise get settled in.


Preparation is key to a quick, easy move. Best of luck getting your things packed!:-)

Friday 10 August 2012

My Future Chef

Future Chef: Marie Louise Whyte

It is always interesting to hear what your children want to be when they grow up and how their ideas change over time, but Louise has had her future career lined up for a few years .

She wants to be a Chef.

She loves the idea of having her own business like a pastry shop, crafty café or a restaurant.

I know she was serious, when she started to plan where to do her training.  It didn’t came as a surprise when she asked if she could study in France.

I remember hearing her say that on one of our trips.

She loves Paris , the food , everything about it!

Louise loves to cook. Her dad calls her the kitchen ninja. His kitchen ninja. As a child , she would help me bake or cook…she loves the kitchen.  Growing up she has shown interests on checking some recipes , trying them out , watch this cooking shows on TV and yes…my daughter could definitely cook!

Here are some of my favorite : 

love the spaghetti with meatballs...

 croque madame

special breakfasts

and the muffins!

I always believe that it is so much better to do something that you love rather than just taking an easy option.

So , to France it is!

We will surely miss our Kitchen Ninja…our future Chef is all set to fulfilling her dreams!:-)

Tuesday 7 August 2012


Packing for college is a little more stressful than I had originally anticipated.

My daughter goes like " Oh my gosh. What the heck am I supposed to pack for college?! ....I feel like I am packing all of my clothes.." 

Well...I have to keep reminding her it's impossible to get all her clothes "inside" the suitcases

My daughter is a clothes horse – no matter where we go and for how long, she always has the biggest, heaviest suitcase of us all!

Her room literally looks like a tornado flew around it! I'm excusing the mess she made.

"My daughter would see things, think about things, and then want to go look at them"

I know she's a bit overwhelmed by this "moving-to-college" thing. But she's very organised and definitely will be able to sort things out.

My husband and I both went to college here in Stratford so we never had the chance to do this.

This  part of a process — certainly  first time to the Whyte's  — of preparing for what hopefully results in a smooth transition from the comforts of home to the adventures of college.

Now I'd better start working on that checklist and check on the web for some much needed help....

Goodluck to us!:-)

Friday 3 August 2012


My daughter going to college this year.

Yep , not somewhere near so she’s moving out for college.

I have some idea on what to bring with her but I just want to make sure that she will have ( as much as possible) everything that she needs.

Packing for college is not like packing for a sleepover. Another thing, my daughter is very sentimental (like mother , like daughter) so we need to pack just the things she needs…and not everything!!

i think we need to do a lot of cleaning...don't you think???

And this serves as a helpful reminder for us:

In the wise words of Cynthia Bell, a rising senior at Seton Hall University: “You aren’t going to Antarctica. You are going to college.”

I know it seems very early...but's better this way

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Thoughts on the 2012 Olympics!

The 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony was worth spending four and a half hours watching! I loved every single detail of it. (well too bad I wasn’t at the stadium…I was able to get a glimpse via live TV coverage! Thank you!)

Industrial Revolution

It showcased snapshots of English industrialization to the cheerful dances of doctors, nurses, and children; from the amazing collaboration of James Bond and Her Majesty to the great, recalling acts of Rowan Atkinson; from teenage athletes lighting the Olympic cauldron to Paul McCartney singing one of my favorite songs, Hey Jude, the ceremony was nothing short of spectacular. I love it!

Seven small sparks, one great flame

So in the end, the cauldron is not lit by a lone Olympian from the past, but by seven teenagers whose days of glory are surely yet to come. The torches ignite the copper petals; the petals in turn ignite the cauldron. It is a masterstroke, a dazzling end to a night of wonders and a glorious salute to the democratic spirit of Olympics; enshrining these games as a collective endeavor and a celebration of emerging talent.

And all at once the cauldron is blazing and the games have begun.

The parade of 204 nations swells to its finale with the arrival of Team GB. Sir Chris Hoy, the first ever cyclist to carry the flag, leads the athletes onto the field to the strain of David Bowie's Heroes.

Everyone is galvanized. Everyone is on their feet.

Great Britain won 19 gold medals in Beijing and finished an impressive fourth on the medals table. We shall be hoping to do even better this time around.

My family and I  look forward to watching the events! We’re not going there every day, but so far I have tickets for two days. In case it's really so much fun, I will try and get more tickets later on, but I also want to experience this whole thing with people from OTHER countries.:-)