Friday 14 September 2012

Birthday Party and Birthday Gift

My friend's birthday is coming up soon. 

She's turning 40 and we're throwing a birthday party for her. 

It's actually a surprise birthday party that was planned by me and our other friends. 

We're holding it at the house of one of our friends, and we're all busy and excited about it. 

I'm in charge of the decorations, which I'm thankful for because it's something simple and not as complicated as being in charge for the food and drinks. 

Or the guest list. 

At any rate, we're keeping it a hush-hush situation so that the birthday celebrant won't have a clue about it, and would really be surprised come her birthday bash this weekend.

My concern is what to give my friend for her birthday. 
I'm thinking of a new cardigan sweater, but then I remembered that she's been wanting to get a blackberry case for months, so that is just what I might be getting her. 

So I'm off to search for a nice blackberry case for my friend then J

Good thing she's not into social media or the internet stuff so she won't be able to read this blog..hehehe!

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