Friday 28 September 2012

I love AUTUMN!

I love autumn

It's my favourite season of the year 

I get excited when this season comes

Autumn or Fall is a gorgeous time of year

Nature gives us a spectacular show of colour and richness to enjoy before we are plunged in to winter

Yes the days get shorter and colder but some of my favourite colours appear in Autumn

Cozy sweaters , hats and gloves start to be worn 
and out come the richly scented candles evocative of spices, warmth and comfort

Now there are several things i love about this season...

1. chilly mornings snuggled under the covers

2. sipping hot chocolate

3. Walking through carpets of fallen leaves in the woods with our dog

4. my morning coffee in quietude (I admit I love that year round)

5. baking apple pie (or anything deliciously sweet for that matter)

6.homemade soup simmering on the stove

7.Curling up on the sofa on a grey afternoon to watch a film or read a good book

8.Jumpers, knitted dresses and woolly tights

9.Thick homemade soups and fresh crusty bread

10.Preparing for Christmas - I love Christmas

Oh the list goes on...

Time for a cool change...AUTUMN is here...:-)

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Some Tips on Moving with KIDS

Couple days back I was able to have a very good conversation with a friend in Colorado (thank you FACEBOOK CHAT) and she was talking about their upcoming move to the UK due to his husband’s work . 

Yes, she’s very excited and overwhelmed by all the preparations. But what worries her is that what effect it may have on in her kids.

And she’s right. This is something of great importance. It is our job to turn the sadness and doubt into happiness.

Moving to a new home can be an exciting and happy experience for families. New surroundings. new home…etc…But  it also can be a difficult adjustment for children. They may be leaving behind their friends, their activity centers, their school, and even other family members-many of the people and places that have provided them security and comfort.

I think we should take special care to talk to our kids about an upcoming move and to deal with their concerns or fears.

Children respond to the general atmosphere set in the home by the attitudes of their parents. If you look at moving as an exciting adventure full of new possibilities, then chances are very good that you will infect your children with enthusiasm and anticipation.

Different children may react to moving in different ways. Some kids may become depressed and may keep crying for days because they feel they are in an alien climate. The key to making the move a success with kids is to GET THEM INVOLVED! Be upbeat from the start, and talk to your children as much as possible. Make them come up with ideas on how to make moving better and easier. Make your kids feel they are important members of the family moving team!

Yes, moving in anyway can really be stressful. But if you are resourceful enough and get some help it won’t be much trouble.

I just want to share this. This is from the people who helped Louise move to France.

Check this out..really helpful..:-)

Friday 21 September 2012

Be Happy :-)

Happy Friday my dears! I am sooo happy that the week-end is upon us.

Being happy is a choice and it's what I choose to be today.:-)

Think happy…feel happy…live happy 

The route to a happier life is through happy thoughts. 
Not just because they make you feel better immediately... but because happier thoughts give you a stronger and more stable foundation to your life. You are in control rather than being bounced around by life.

I came across this written by Michele Blood and I think it’s great so I’m sharing this…

“Happiness and Freedom

The purpose of my life is to be happy! 
My own mental attitude is the most important influence in my life, working with peace, joy and success. 
I now choose to be happy! 
I choose to be free. 
I think for myself.

I have a right to any happiness, which I can conceive, provided that it hurts no-one and is in keeping with the nature of Divine Law. 
I know I must change the conditions within myself to change the outer conditions in my life. 
I now live with inner peace and know that I can face all challenges with calm and reason because I think happy thoughts.

As Peter Pan said…..
“With just one happy thought, I can fly!”

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Funny Runny Nose

I have lived with Allergic Rhinitis sporadically my entire half life that I decided to describe it as funny when triggers attempted to assault my overly sensitive nose.  

Waking up at 2am , I am reminded again how exasperating this nose could get. It seemed to be firing an Itchy discomfort deployed like nasal crawlers poking my nose and lurking around my eyes, giving me free watery tears of scratchy feeling, plus an eye shadow for a fine raccoon's-eye-look. L

I couldn’t stop sneezing. Yes, sneezing violently 5-10 times in succession, feeling comfortably good when it finally stops.

So off I rouse to get my nasal spray, plunged into my medicine kits, in pursuit for the right anti-allergy drug.

Oh well , I’m feeling much better now though I surely need some sleep.

And I promise not to whine in reverie to this familiar world I've once again allowed myself to live.

Aaaaachoooo! (*sniff*).

Friday 14 September 2012

Birthday Party and Birthday Gift

My friend's birthday is coming up soon. 

She's turning 40 and we're throwing a birthday party for her. 

It's actually a surprise birthday party that was planned by me and our other friends. 

We're holding it at the house of one of our friends, and we're all busy and excited about it. 

I'm in charge of the decorations, which I'm thankful for because it's something simple and not as complicated as being in charge for the food and drinks. 

Or the guest list. 

At any rate, we're keeping it a hush-hush situation so that the birthday celebrant won't have a clue about it, and would really be surprised come her birthday bash this weekend.

My concern is what to give my friend for her birthday. 
I'm thinking of a new cardigan sweater, but then I remembered that she's been wanting to get a blackberry case for months, so that is just what I might be getting her. 

So I'm off to search for a nice blackberry case for my friend then J

Good thing she's not into social media or the internet stuff so she won't be able to read this blog..hehehe!

Wednesday 12 September 2012

All about Lights...

So happy that we are done with the paints…they look good..:-)

Now it's all about the  right lightings for the bedrooms.

Our bedroom is my sanctuary. At the end of a long day, it’s the  a place where I can flop on top of a fluffy duvet, sink into a comfy chair, and snuggle under the covers to let any stress slip away.

The atmosphere needs to be just right!

Getting the lighting right in your bedroom is key to creating the perfect ambiance in a room.

Personally, I think too bright, and the room will feel cold and clinical. Too dark, and the room will feel a bit harsh.

Keeping in mind a few aspects while choosing the right lighting is definitely helpful.

  • ·        The main rule related to lightning tells us that our eyes are in need of natural sun light, and therefore, it is recommended to all the people to assure that they have in their house as much natural light as they can get.

  • ·        Lighting is a huge part of your bedroom's style. Really think about the look you're trying to achieve, and carry that theme through in your lighting. You want your room to flow.

  • ·        Do not forget that the color of the wall is going to have an impact on how your light is reflected. Lighter walls reflect more light compared to dark ones.

  • ·       Finally, keeping environmental hazards in mind choosing lighting that consumes less power is the need of the hour. New types of lighting can be found to meet this need and the future is going to see more of this sort of lighting.

Well I hope that helps.

some finishing touches and we're done… I’m happy with the way things are progressing….:-)

Friday 7 September 2012

Choosing the Right Colors

I think choosing the right paint color for a bedroom is crucial for the overall look and feel of the room.

The right paint color can totally transform the look and feel of the room. It can be soft and relaxing or bright and inviting, depending on personal tastes.

The trick, of course, is figuring out which colors to use and where to put them.

The most effective way to use color to transform a room is to play up its architectural features. Molding, mantels, built-in bookcases, arched doorways, wainscot, windows, and doors all offer an opportunity to add another layer of interest to colored walls.

This is the easiest way to find a bedroom paint color. If you have white furniture, choosing a bright color maybe perfect. If you have dark wood, a light color. If you have black furniture, a crème would be beautiful.

I brought home as many paint chips as possible. I think it will make it easier to narrow down the choices. Some paint stores offer larger color swatches available in sheets rather than small chips.

Oh there’s a lot of work to be done but I think we’re on the right track.

Happy Weekend!

Wednesday 5 September 2012


We're thinking of having our bedrooms renovated. 

The Masters bedroom , Louise’s , Matty’s and one other room. 

We wanted to have the walls repainted.

The paint and decorations have been peeling and it's not looking so great.

So that's why we're seriously thinking of having our bedroom renovated.

We're also thinking of adding some more lightings. 

We thought of adding more lights to provide better illumination to the room. 

So we're currently looking for a site in the Internet that provides good lighting.

Right now, we're still browsing for lightings, but we're close to buying what we need. 

And, we're really excited about this new bedroom renovation project.