Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Some Tips on Moving with KIDS

Couple days back I was able to have a very good conversation with a friend in Colorado (thank you FACEBOOK CHAT) and she was talking about their upcoming move to the UK due to his husband’s work . 

Yes, she’s very excited and overwhelmed by all the preparations. But what worries her is that what effect it may have on in her kids.

And she’s right. This is something of great importance. It is our job to turn the sadness and doubt into happiness.

Moving to a new home can be an exciting and happy experience for families. New surroundings. new home…etc…But  it also can be a difficult adjustment for children. They may be leaving behind their friends, their activity centers, their school, and even other family members-many of the people and places that have provided them security and comfort.

I think we should take special care to talk to our kids about an upcoming move and to deal with their concerns or fears.

Children respond to the general atmosphere set in the home by the attitudes of their parents. If you look at moving as an exciting adventure full of new possibilities, then chances are very good that you will infect your children with enthusiasm and anticipation.

Different children may react to moving in different ways. Some kids may become depressed and may keep crying for days because they feel they are in an alien climate. The key to making the move a success with kids is to GET THEM INVOLVED! Be upbeat from the start, and talk to your children as much as possible. Make them come up with ideas on how to make moving better and easier. Make your kids feel they are important members of the family moving team!

Yes, moving in anyway can really be stressful. But if you are resourceful enough and get some help it won’t be much trouble.

I just want to share this. This is from the people who helped Louise move to France.

Check this out..really helpful..:-)

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