Tuesday 6 November 2012

Simple Pleasures

“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise”. This age old saying still holds meaning in today’s world.

I believe that I have mentioned in my previous blogs that Autumn is without a doubt my favorite season of all. 

The chill in the air, the changing color of the leaves on the trees and the dark cozy evenings.  

Lovin’ it!

When Autumn came , my husband and I decided to have our morning walks. 

I am always excited about our morning walks.

There's just peace and calm everywhere. 

And there are also a few people on the road.

 Some like us were enjoying the early hours of an autumn morning.

This morning we took a longer walk than we usually do. 

The light was really nice, autumn colors deluxe on the falling leaves and the air was super crisp. 

The sky was turning a shade of deep blue from black. 

It seemed the blue was chasing the black all over the sky.

It  is not only the walk itself that is good. 

It’s so lovely to come back home again with cold cheeks and to sit down with a nice cup of warming tea.

Tiny everyday pleasures that carries a lot of happiness...

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